
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Surprising developments

I hadn't expected to have an extended hiatus, but here it is eight months since I last wrote. Anything. Blog, Facebook, Twitter, email, all gone dark. I've barely maintained basic journal entries. As in an interrupted conversation, I have to stop and think, "where was I?"

Robert Frost gives me the words to describe where I found myself at the end of May: "Better defeat almost, if seen clear, than life's victories of doubt, that need endless talk-talk to make them out." Indeed, the six months leading up to May contained a progression of doubtful victories towards a murky destination that I ultimately did not reach.

Yet as has happened time and again, rejection at the penultimate stage of one road did not end the journey. I will indeed depart my current position in mid-July to step into a new role, as house manager for a community of retired priests! 

And so here I go, with children growing up into independence, to work in a community that lives a life of scheduled prayer and service to Mother Church, where my role will be to make the house a home; the ultimate "cloistered mom."